Saturday, April 1, 2017

Kugel the King

For something I only started writing earlier today it's not bad (may I brag). Usually I prefer poems to sit for a few days first, but with today being April 1st, it's relevance is fleeting.
Funny how something starting as a ballad of an old joke quickly turned into political commentary.
Kugel Lives!

(The Admonition of) Kugel the King

Mix the limpest wet noodles with beaten old yolks,
Stir in sugar and cheese made of fresh cream, no hoax,
Top with sour cream, cottage cheese, salt to taste for your folks,
And shout "Mazeltov" for old Kugel, the King of all jokes!

"Let’s have fools for a day," ruled the old Jester King,
Appointed by Constantine for just that one thing,
"A fool can rule well as an Emperor can,"
Wrote Associated Press, in the story they ran

But then Kugel the King wasn’t really true news,
When some readers had doubts, and the facts all came out,
The AP went mental claiming there’d been abuse,
In the April Fools story they’d foolishly used

So you fans of fake news, blame yourselves if you’re blue,
Check your sources, your citings, double check the date too,
Lest you run fast with scissors, like little kids do,
Lauding Kugel the Jester, King for a day,
  all you chumps, April Fools!

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