Friday, June 1, 2018

Ode to the Lackadaisical Cat

Ode to the Lackadaisical Cat

We never had a mouse before you came, cat,
We having welcomed you in for love and good,
It’s all because of the leftover cat food
Remaining in your bowls, since you’ve grown fat

‘Cause that’s a buffet for a trespassing mouse,
Of course, one always did live in the garage
(Where swept I up the remnants of his forage)
But never had one once come in the house!

Whom I have just seen scuttle across the floor,
Which you feign not note or see while your eyes roll,
His cheeks full of kibbles, purloined from your bowl
And whom I know waits to return once more!

Yet I will conceed he looked cute there as he loomed
Like a kangaroo sitting up on his hind legs,
Reaching with two paws as if to kindly beg,
Then taking one and voom! Exits the room ---

It’s unnatural that you don’t pursue mice,
All those years of instict, predator and prey
Have in you, quisling cat, gone by the way
You really are the blind / deaf guard at the heist

Made you some dubious interspecies deal?
At midnight does he treat you with a bag
Of mousie tidbits he collected as swag,
By which he kicks-you-back from your own meals?

What is it that he pays you with, and that
Was not already yours, you lazy cat?!

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