Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Secret of the Dad Hats

I love writing poems of my Dad.
One time, while I was down to visit, we were driving up I-95 coming home from a movie. And in a few weeks I’d planned to come back to take him up to visit my brothers in New Hampshire. So I wasked him,
"Hey Dad, how do you feel about going and visiting Brian in a few weeks?"
And Dad said, "Yeah, he continuences."
I thought that sounded weird, so I asked what he’d meant, and he said,
"Yeah, he continuences. He was the first to give Reagan the cat."
So I memorized that for posterity. And here’s another story from the annals of Reagan the cat:

Secret of the Dad Hats

"I keep finding these hats in the hallway" she said,
"I don’t understand where he’s getting them,"

To be fair, caring for my Father,
  possessed of alzheimers, was a handful,
Though she’d say it was no bother,
  but of course that’s why I’m here

Some come from a cheap thift store,
  one I found behind my church,
Another in a parking lot, they help,
  when Dad freaks out about his hat
And then begins his panicked search,
  so I keep old hats in my pickup
  (but that’s our sworn secret!

"When," she added, "You take your Father out later,
  make sure he has his hat and scarf, he
  always goes out without and likely he’ll forget,"
Which told me, when we go out,
I’ll make sure we leave them behind,
  lest he really will lose them

Out to lunch, later a movie,
  went off without a hitch
Excepting he threatened
  to throw a plate at the waitress,
Who kindly returned three minutes later
  and I ordered for him

And then, on the way out;
"Where’s my hat, I can’t find my damn hat!
  I know I had it with me!"
"Dad, you didn’t bring a hat,"
"I know I had my hat, where the damn things go?"
"You left it in the car, Dad, look at me,
  listen, I promise, it’s in the car,"
Back at the car;
"Here it is, Dad, see, your hat, was here all the time,"
"There it is! That’s my hat, my favorite hat!"
And then he usually hugged me,
"You’re welcome"
 So, you know where they came from… 

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