Sunday, January 29, 2017

God Owes Us a Kitten!

After hearing that our church rector will be leaving us soon, I have noticed myself feeling sullenly, like a child of divorced parents. However, such kids can often demand gifts, like a bicycle, or an X-Box, 2 weeks in summer at Space Camp, or, in this case, as I woke up feeling Monday morning;

God Owes Us a Kitten!

For the way that we’ve been smitten,
We decree God owes us - a kitten!

One who’ll grow into a cat,
Whom we will groom and prepare that

She’ll meet with priests in coffee clubs,
There to ecumenically hub-bub,

One with great claws like a lioness,
Who’ll tear injustice, hunger and distress,

One who can leap far as a tiger,
When sent on missions to Uganda or Niger,

Who on Sundays gives us homilies
As if we are her own family,

One who sends us out in the world,
To do God’s mission, be God’s herald,

One who knows there’s work to do,
Because her job is to fill your shoes

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