Monday, November 28, 2016

Midnight Mouse

I began writing this last February, then our Fluffy died (early March) and I needed time off.
Now it's getting cold again, the post seems timely.

Midnight Mouse

They look with intent from their window perches,
He in the higher, crouching chin over the edge,
She in the lower, upright with her head a tilt,
There is something out the window ledge,
… moving, … doing, … what?
Their heads turn right… left… right…

For amusement, I hung
  a Winter feeder out the window, on a level where they rest,
Clear suction cups hold up a tray, where
  daily my fingers kick out the snows, and
Scoops of seed bring on the tits, the chick’dees,
  gay green and red Cardinals,
Call it ‘Cat TV,’ and 
  pouncing ensues!

Yet tonite no bird takes interest,
  none will leave it’s common roost,
They remain heaped in tree hollows, under eaves,
  warm in their numbers with the common flock

The ghostlight Moon blues on phosphorescing snows,
  cat heads right… left… again,
She pounces at the window edge, where
  glass clear of ice partitions prey from paws

‘Ha ha Cats! I’m eatin’ yer seed…"
  as I rise to investigate, I see
A whippy tail cliff dive from the ledge without a ‘chute,
  likely back in the hedge from whence it climbed,

And have I told you?
  I’ve seen droppings in the basement!

(I know, it's a bulfinch not a mouse. Still best pic I could steal offa the Goog!)


  1. I could picture your super handsome kitties being so interested in the feeder. Although it's 83 here right now, I was able to pretend for a moment that it was winter. I liked your poem!

  2. Hi Kay,
    When I post these I try to keep them in season. This I posted late Nov of 2016, when we had our first snows of the season.
    It's 90+ (f) here today, and I'm post a a poem in a beach setting.
