Saturday, September 24, 2016

Kendall Square Box

On my way to MIT yesterday I passed through Kendall Square.
Facebook friends know why.

Kendall Square Box

A man with a box and sign "$ change ?"
Sat on the sidewalk before a chain store

Knowing modern shelters with showers
  his clean cut didn’t faze me,
Only the real drunks look like bums these days

Carrying naught but a debit card I asked
"I have no cash, I could I buy you a sandwich in there?

"No, I wouldn’t want you to waste your money,"
"I have a debit card, I could get you something, a tuna sandwich?"

"I can’t eat out here, anyway someone gave me a ten dollar gift card, I’m all set,"
"You could put the sandwich in your bag, have it later, save your card,"

"No, I wouldn’t want you to waste your money on me,"

Thrice I asked the homeless man,
Thrice I did what ever I can.

"Your mind is set?"

With gasho hands I bid him done,
Told him of charity, I still had some, by saying
"I’ll be coming back through here at five, if you change your mind,"
   at five, he wasn’t there

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