Sunday, March 13, 2016

Fluffy’s Ninth Hour

This one needs no preamble

Fluffy’s Ninth Hour

Het Het Het
She breathes as if a ticking clock,
A time bomb to go off
  or something soon will be done baking

Het Het Het
Sixty times a minute,
Only watching the second hand wall cock
  belies they are out of sync

Het Het Het
The labor of her breathing,
Aftermath of a diabetic shock
  from her usual insulin
After not eating
  because she was ill

Het Het Het
From a mass of dire gravity,
  leaking by it’s half life
Pleurisy in her lungs

Het Het Het
In a world become too heavy to breathe

"How old is she?"
We think ten, could be fifteen, she has old bones, not twenty

"How long have you had her?"
She was a stray,
She showed up where a men fed colony cats,
Neighbors recognized her, that’s how we know her name,
‘Round Thanksgiving – Holidays she just moved in on him, nuffa the cold,
We adopted her next Spring when she was ready to rehome

"At least you’re realistic about her options,"
They want to run a CAT scan, no pun
What part of Big Mass plus Fluids in Lungs doesn’t equal a congestive heart?

Het Het Het,
Let’s go to the vet,
Outlooks not good
But yet you could
Your timer is not set

Het Het Het
Don’t look so bad today
We’re thinking of
How much our love
Won’t let you slough away

Het Het Het
Sit on my lap dear pet
Your coat is warm
You’ll know no harm
Life’s not done with you yet

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