No Song Sparrow
Prologue – For no reason I can fathom, I woke this morning with a song on my mind.
Coffee on the porch, and then…
No Song Sparrow
Upon a bird bath on our lawn
a sprite Song Sparrow lit
He drank a taste and turned his waist
but never did he sit
Then I could see not like was he
adorned as other birds,
His rump was rounded, in a stump
no tail in other words
I asked him
Happy Song Sparrow, tell
me of what do you sing?’
He said
I have no tale to tell,
no story do I bring,
I fell out of the sky one May,
a brown and striped thing,
I’ll return back on high one day,
a simple gracious being,
But of the time these dates enfold,
a life time in between,
I have not got a tale to tell
I can’t sing of a thing.
He took off on two splashing wings,
our discourse at an end,
I watched him rise up to the skies,
then to a tree he wend
For tho’ he did not sing a note
while he stood in our dish
Yet by my word, I loved that bird,
what burdened he, my wish
For he knows no affairs of Man
how we keep our estate
Tho’ for his simple minded care
a few short years his fate
He was a bird, and in a word
a better man than me,
Yet as a man, I’ve time to plan,
Corrupted as I be
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