This is certainly nonsense, But as I spent an afternoon hashing it out it just HAD to be typed up, and now YOU HAVE TO READ IT!
And if, after reading this. it still seems like nonsense, well, that’s your problem.
I Knew A Man with Dish Pan Hands
(for Keith Knapp)
I knew a man with dish pan hands
Who travelled here from Turkistan.
You say a man from Turkistan
Can here with dish pan hands?
That’s what I understand.
Why did this man from Turkistan
Come here with dish pan hands?
To work upon the land.
This man with dish pan hands came here
To work upon the land?
That’s what I understand.
What means had he, this man came here,
With dish pan hands from Turkistan?
A legacy of a demand.
A legacy from a demand?
That’s what I understand.
What plans had he, this man who came
From Turkistan, with dish pan hands,
The heir to an estate demand,
Who came to work the land?
He had great plans this curious man
Who came to work the land,
From Turkistan, with dish pan hands
Or so I understand.
Explain what came of his great plans
This man who came from Turkistan
And on and on and and and and….
That I may understand.
He tried and failed to work the land,
This man who came from Turkistan,
The heir to an estate demand
And on and on and and and and…
And so, you understand?
How failed he, to work the land,
This man who came from Turkistan,
This heir to an estate demand,
And on and on and and and and…
He failed to work the land, this man
From Turkistan, despite his plan,
And on and on and and and and…
For when he took the plow in hand,
He found the plow he could not man.
He could not man the plow this man,
That’s what I understand.
Why not?
'Cause as I’ve said, and on and and…
This man had dish pan hands.
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