Monday, May 6, 2013


I may have had too much to drink last night. Today was not a bad day, just one of those wherin nothing feels quite right.
Of note - when I googled "pants on the floor pic" to find a photo, it lead me to a a fingerpost poet, from whom I "borrowed" the pic. His/her work can be read here (but read mine first!)


These pants are not the same ones that I wore just yesterday
And how I came to put them on I really can not say

No wallet in the pocket and no pens no pad no keys
Just remnants of a tissue from a long forgotten sneeze

This pair were too dirty so I left them on the floor
When yesterday I others wore and thought of these no more.

When I awoke this morning sleepily I took no care
And I stepped in footfirst into the first pair I saw there

But these are not the same pants that I wore yesterday

A momentary panic came as I did comprehend
Could someone else in my new pants all of my wallet spend?

Or break into my house or steal my car with my own keys?
I only knew that they'd not have what they'd need should they sneeze

Of course a moment later common sense dispelled that doom
As I recalled that last night I'd undressed in another room.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the cred ken. but i borrowed this photo too...:^)
