Thursday, April 4, 2013

Song Sparrow Reveille

This was wrote while on Martha's Vineyard with Christine, in 2007 (same as If Mary Had A Cat).

We had just a month or two before learned Christine had MS, and most morning she wasn't moving as quick as in past years. So while waiting for her to arise I would take bird walks.
One thing about that year was there were Song Sparrows everywhere, and the Song Sparrows on MV had a very distintive manner of song.

All of them, the males anyway, would sing like this:
Cheep cheep chrip Trillllll cheep
chrip chirp chirp
Cheep cheep chrip Trillllll chirp chirp
(now repeat endlessly throughout July and August)

So with this and our sorrows in mind, while ruminating on my morning walks, I composed this in the meter of the birdsong.

Song Sparrow Reveille

(July 27, 2007)

It’s time to gehhh-t you
Out of bed
It’s time to greee-t the day

Please rise and Shyiii-ne you
Sleepy head
You’ve only gohhh-t today

No need to wurrr-ry ‘bout
your health
No need for connn-cern dear

Do what you haaa-ve to
To take care
Then you’re alreahhh-dy there

Open your eyeee-s to
hours of sun
You’re missing alll-l the fun

Come whistle wihhh-th me
On a wire
I’ll show you haooo-w to fly

It’s not that harrr-rd as
You can see
You only kneee-d to try

It’s time to gehhh-t you
Out of bed
You only have to-


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