Gabby Goes to Work
I have a great grey parrot
The most intelligent of birds
As mimids they can imitate
And love to learn useful new words
Each day I teach her something new
Repeating phrases that are nice
Which she readily understands
And uses tangibly precise
Like “Please,” and “Thank you, how are you?”
“Time for dinner,” and “Good night,” too
It’s my joy to teach her every day,
And after work that’s what we do
But in the morning I’m off to work
Drive to the depot, the office garage
Truck with the crew to the construction site
It’s a job I don’t choose to disparage
Today it’s a sewer pipe job
And just a half block from my house!
We spent all day digging up roads
On local streets and thereabouts
Sweating out at work all day
Reducing once fine roads to bray
Dump trucks back up going “Beep Beep Beep,”
The back hoe claws earth “Chunk – kerchunk,”
While a jack hammer breaks up cement cracks,
Too much noise! Harsh unnatural drones!
Despite ineffective noise reducing headphones,
But I find solace in knowing
That Gabby waits for me,
When I get home
We’ll practice new words,
When I get home
Our shift ends, truck back to the lot
Back in my car, which the sun has made hot
It’s horns and brake squeaks all the way home
Echo work noises,
Won’t leave me alone
“I’ll teach her new words
When I get home …”
“Teach Gabby new words
When I get home …”
I arrive home, Great Gabby’s there!,
I saw no reason for despair,, and said
“Hello Gabby, what shall we learn today?”
And that’s when
She walked backwards squawking “Beep Beep Beep,”
Scratched at a flower pot while clucking “Chunk - chunk - kerchunk,”
Pecked at the table top, while rolling
Then all night long kept up that crap