Like a tipped milk pitcher, or juicy fruit, Tankas are fresh, today, only good in the season they are writ in.
6 Tankas 021816
Our grass has returned,
Snow quickly melting away
On a warm day, yet
No crocus shoots through the mud,
My two lips wait for Spring
Amaryllis blooms,
Pink antebellum hoop skirts,
Let me lift your hems
To know if girls walk on legs
Or on pistils may you glide?
Gay flowers are burnt
Under the brilliant Sun,
Cheated out of Spring
I could not bear next Winter,
Nature owes us all this much
House finches chatter,
And not near the feeder now,
Squabbling over nooks
Under gutters, in the bush,
Though more cold weather’s to come
Town Square, the Mayor,
We all bow as she walks by,
Until the mockingbird swoops
With sharp bare claws at her hat
Pancakes on Tuesday,
Ashes Wednesday at noon,
Mardi Gras headaches,
Pretty girls, keep your shirts on,
There’s more to come than cheap beads